27 Jan Hearing Places Launch
hearing places is a new online umbrella for creative projects which unite sound and place. Its published outcomes include concerts, environments, recordings, installations, performances, exhibitions, cultural projects, books, videos, lectures, events, festivals and reviews.
hearing places was founded by Australian sound artists Ros Bandt and Leah Barclay in 2012. The venture draws its inspiration from Bandt and Barclay’s previous work in environmental sound art, particular Bandt’s seminal text of the same name.
hearing places is the experience of being fully alive in a place with all the senses but particularly the ear. Our bodies situate us physically in space and our radar GPS is constantly active. But the hearing places website is more than this. This site is a place for sound art which engages with place in all its forms: geographic, environmental, enigmatic, telematic, historiographic, electronic, imaginary, psychological, empty, indoor, outdoor, global, micro, cultural, forgotten, endangered.
Visit the new hearing places site here – www.hearingplaces.com