Leah Barclay | New Article Published
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New Article Published

New Article Published

ArtMonthlyLeah Barclay’s latest article “Sustainable Sonic Art in a 360° World” was published in Issue 225 of Art Monthly Australia with guest editor Douglas Kahn. This issue is dedicated to sound art in Australia with a diversity of articles from leading practitioners in the field.

“Sonic art is intertwined in the powerful multi-platform digital wave rolling through the creative industries, and can play a key role in the global demand for cultural content. The dramatic advancement of digital media and information technology has truly cultivated a paradigm shift in how we collaborate as artists today. Across the spectrum we have visual artists that can create astonishing virtual worlds and the interdisciplinary hybrid performer now has infinite possibilities. These changes have evolved and expanded the tools of expression but most importantly they’ve opened the ability to communicate at a higher level in an interdisciplinary context. “

Read the full Article or order a copy of this issue on the Art Monthly Australia website www.artmonthly.org.au