Mamori Sound Project is a 2-week residency for professional sound artists and composers with previous experience in the area of sound experimentation and field recordings. It takes place at Mamori Lake, in the middle of the Brazilian Amazon, and involves theoretical/discussion presentations, field-work and studio...
The final Australia Council for the Arts funded lab will happen in the Backwaters of Kerala, South India, in November 2011 led by Leah Barclay. The REMNANT EMERGENCY ArtLab pivots on a series of site specific Labs in the Australian neighbouring regions of South-East Asia...
The Australasian Computer Music Association provides a forum for Australian and New Zealand composers and researchers with an interest in music technology and computer music. The annual ACMA conference is held in various cities, and publishes peer-reviewed proceedings.
From 6-9 July 2011 The University of Auckland's...
The DAM(N) Project is an interdisciplinary project exploring the stories of the displaced people of the Narmada River in North India, Leah Barclay is the composer / sound artist for this project which will result in a major production touring Australia and India in 2012.
Leading Korean percussionist Yoonsang Choi and awarding winning Australian composer Leah Barclay will premiere their new work ‘Breath’ at Blossom Land on December 10th 2010 in Seoul, South Korea.
‘Breath’ is an electroacoustic theatre work for percussion and electronics that builds on the technology developed in...